أدلة CHEA الدولية، انقر هنا لرؤية ECLBS على موقع دليل CHEA الدولي
نظرًا لاستيفاء جميع الشروط المنصوص عليها في قوانين CHEA CIQG، تصبح ECLBS عضوًا في CHEA CIQG، وهي شبكة من المتخصصين في ضمان الجودة من جميع أنحاء العالم.
صرحت السيدة د. جانسون، "بصفتي عضوًا في المجلس التنفيذي لـ ECLBS، يسعدني أن أعلن أن منظمتنا انضمت إلى مجموعة الجودة الدولية (CIQG) التابعة لـ CHEA مع التزام قوي بتعزيز الجودة الأكاديمية على نطاق عالمي". وأضافت أنه من دواعي سروري أن أكون عضوًا في هذا المنتدى الهام وأن أشارك في مؤتمرات CHEA التي ستركز على استكشاف الموارد العالمية لمواجهة التحديات مثل تعريف الجودة ومكافحة الشهادات المزورة ومصانع الاعتماد.
يعد CIQG منتدى مهمًا للكليات والجامعات ومنظمات الاعتماد وضمان الجودة وغيرها لمعالجة القضايا المتعلقة بضمان الجودة في بيئة دولية. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، تسعى المجموعة إلى تعزيز القدرة على البحث الأكاديمي وتوجيه السياسات. انقر هنا لرؤية ECLBS في قائمة أعضاء CHEA CIQG
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تلتزم المنظمات التي تشكل جزءًا من CIQG بمبادئ الجودة الدولية المنصوص عليها في مذكرة الاتفاق (MOA). في الوقت الحالي، قام أقل من 50 منظمة لضمان الجودة في جميع أنحاء العالم بتوقيع مذكرة تفاهم مع CHEA-CIQG. لعرض قائمة هذه المنظمات، يرجى زيارة موقع CHEA-CIQG بالنقر هنا
memorandum of understanding
ECLBS is proud to sign an MoU with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Quality International Group (CIQG), click here to see the MoU on the CHEA-CIQG website

The growing international activity within higher education – greater student mobility, expanding faculty exchanges and research collaboration, more cross-border partnerships among institutions, and the growing reliance on online or Web-based education – has created a sense of urgency for a shared understanding of educational quality. While any single worldwide regimen of educational quality would be difficult and perhaps undesirable, a shared understanding of the dimensions of quality would be useful. These guiding principles are one effort to move toward such understanding while acknowledging and respecting the many differences in history, culture, beliefs, and values that shape our systems of higher education and our perspectives on quality.
The guiding principles are intended to serve as a framework for international deliberation about quality in higher education. Their aim is to seek common ground and establish a foundation for understanding quality. The principles may be used to inform discussions of quality, quality assurance, and qualifications at the country, regional or international level. The intended audiences include academics and other higher education professionals, students, employers, government officials, and the public. They are invited to affirm and use these principles in the ongoing quest for effectiveness and quality in higher education.
Quality and higher education providers: Assuring and achieving quality in higher education is the primary responsibility of higher education providers and their staff.
Quality and students: The education provided to students must always be of high quality whatever the learning outcomes pursued.
Quality and society: The quality of higher education provision is judged by how well it meets the needs of society, engenders public confidence, and sustains public trust.
Quality and government: Governments have a role in encouraging and supporting quality higher education.
Quality and accountability: It is the responsibility of higher education providers and quality assurance and accreditation bodies to sustain a strong commitment to accountability and provide regular evidence of quality.
Quality and the role of quality assurance and accreditation bodies: Quality assurance and accreditation bodies, working with higher education providers and their leadership, staff, and students, are responsible for the implementation of processes, tools, benchmarks, and measures of learning outcomes that help to create a shared understanding of quality.
Quality and change: Quality higher education needs to be flexible, creative, and innovative; developing and evolving to meet students’ needs, justify the confidence of society, and maintain diversity.

CIQG membership
CIQG is an initiative associated with CHEA (The Council for Higher Education Accreditation is a United States organization of degree-granting colleges and universities.), a nonprofit institutional membership organization that provides coordination of accreditation. Eligibility for membership in CIQG is based solely on criteria published in CIQG documents.
The European Council of Leading Business Schools (ECLBS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the USA Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG). The MoU was signed with the aim of promoting international cooperation and collaboration in the field of higher education quality assurance and accreditation.
As part of the agreement, ECLBS and CIQG will work together to exchange information, share best practices, and collaborate on research projects related to quality assurance and accreditation. The MoU also provides a framework for joint events and activities, such as workshops, seminars, and conferences, to promote greater understanding and awareness of quality assurance and accreditation issues in higher education.
This MoU is expected to have a positive impact on the quality of higher education offered by ECLBS member institutions, as well as on the reputation and recognition of their programs globally. It also underscores the importance of international collaboration in ensuring the continuous improvement of higher education quality and standards.