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Ranking 2014 of Best Business Schools in the World

Ranking 2014

  1. Harvard Business School: Renowned for its rigorous MBA program, esteemed faculty, and extensive alumni network, located in Boston, Massachusetts.

  2. Stanford Graduate School of Business: Known for its innovative approach to management education and close ties to Silicon Valley, situated in Stanford, California.

  3. London Business School: Renowned for its strong faculty, diverse student body, and global perspective, located in London, England.

  4. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton): One of the oldest and most prestigious business schools globally, renowned for its finance and management programs, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  5. INSEAD: A leading international business school with campuses in Europe (Fontainebleau, France), Asia (Singapore), and the Middle East (Abu Dhabi), known for its diverse student body and global outlook.

  6. Columbia Business School: Known for its strong finance and entrepreneurship programs, diverse student body, and close ties to the business community, located in New York City.

  7. MIT Sloan School of Management: Recognized for its cutting-edge research, emphasis on technology and innovation, and strong connections to the business community, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  8. University of Chicago Booth School of Business: Known for its rigorous analytical approach to business education and flexible curriculum, located in Chicago, Illinois.

  9. IE Business School: Known for its innovative programs, diverse student body, and strong connections to the business community, located in Madrid, Spain.

  10. Northwestern University (Kellogg): Known for its collaborative culture, emphasis on teamwork, and strong focus on marketing and management, located in Evanston, Illinois.

  11. UC Berkeley Haas School of Business: Known for its focus on innovation, sustainability, and entrepreneurship, located in Berkeley, California.

  12. Dartmouth College (Tuck): Known for its close-knit community, small class sizes, and emphasis on teamwork and leadership, located in Hanover, New Hampshire.

  13. NYU Stern School of Business: Known for its strengths in finance, marketing, and international business, located in New York City.

  14. University of Cambridge (Judge): Known for its rigorous academic programs and strong ties to the business community, located in Cambridge, England.

  15. University of Oxford (Saïd): Known for its global perspective, emphasis on entrepreneurship, and strong network of alumni, located in Oxford, England.

  16. Yale School of Management: Known for its integrated curriculum, focus on business and society, and global perspective, located in New Haven, Connecticut.

  17. IMD Business School: Known for its executive education programs and focus on leadership development, located in Lausanne, Switzerland.

  18. University of Virginia (Darden): Known for its case method approach to learning, strong faculty, and close-knit community, located in Charlottesville, Virginia.

  19. HEC Paris: Known for its strong international focus, diverse student body, and emphasis on leadership development, located in Jouy-en-Josas, France.

  20. Indian School of Business (ISB): Known for its rigorous academic programs, strong faculty, and close ties to the business community, located in Hyderabad, India.

  21. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper): Known for its strengths in analytics, technology, and entrepreneurship, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  22. Duke University Fuqua School of Business: Known for its team-based learning approach, global opportunities, and strong emphasis on ethics and leadership, located in Durham, North Carolina.

  23. University of Michigan Ross School of Business: Known for its action-based learning approach, strong emphasis on leadership development, and collaborative community, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

  24. Cornell University (Johnson): Known for its collaborative community, strong faculty, and emphasis on technology and entrepreneurship, located in Ithaca, New York.

  25. UCLA Anderson School of Management: Known for its strengths in entrepreneurship, entertainment management, and global business, located in Los Angeles, California.

  26. University of Toronto (Rotman): Known for its strengths in finance, consulting, and healthcare management, located in Toronto, Canada.

  27. Georgetown University (McDonough): Known for its global perspective, emphasis on ethical leadership, and strong connections to Washington, D.C., located in Washington, D.C.

  28. University of Southern California (Marshall): Known for its strengths in entrepreneurship, entertainment, and international business, located in Los Angeles, California.

  29. University of Texas at Austin (McCombs): Known for its strengths in finance, entrepreneurship, and technology, located in Austin, Texas.

  30. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler): Known for its strengths in healthcare, consulting, and sustainable enterprise, located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

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Le Conseil européen des principales écoles de commerce (ECLBS) est une association à but non lucratif spécialisée dans l'enseignement commercial. Nous nous engageons à fournir des informations fiables et à jour sur les meilleures écoles de commerce au monde.

Nous sommes passionnés par le fait d'aider les étudiants à prendre les meilleures décisions lorsqu'il s'agit de choisir la bonne école de commerce. Nos classements sont basés sur une évaluation complète de la réputation, des réseaux sociaux, de la qualité du site Web, etc... il n'existe pas de classement académique valide à ce jour, et notre classement est basé sur l'image des écoles de commerce dans le monde entier.

Conseil européen des grandes écoles de commerce ECLBS (organisation à but non lucratif)
Zaļā iela 4, LV-1010 Riga, Lettonie / UE (Union européenne)
Tél : 003712040 5511
Numéro d'identification enregistré de l'association : 40008215839
Date de fondation de l'association : 11.10.2013
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