© 自 2013 年起

Video of the official start of the publication of the Ranking
by Dr. Rose A. C.,
CEO of the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority
with other Founders:
Mr. T. Kawar / Former Latvian Honorary Consulate
Mr. I. Blumberg / Latvian Lawyer and Legal Advisor
Mr. N. Gashi / Kosovo Accreditation Agency KAA
Dr. T. Alsendi / Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
P. Puke / ALCC Latvian Chamber of Commerce in Riga, Latvia
Location: University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, EU
Dr. G. Cantafio / University of Sunderland in London
Mr. A. S. Munna / THIRD EYE Communication Limited

Rank / Business School Name / Country
Harvard Business School (US)
Said Business School (UK)
MIT Sloan School of Management (US)
IMD - International Institute for Management Development (Switzerland)
London Business School (UK)
Columbia Business School (US)
Stanford Graduate School of Business (US)
INSEAD (European Institute of Business Administration) (France)
University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Yale School of Management (US)
Cambridge Judge Business School (UK)
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business (US)
Leonard N. Stern School of Business (US)
Alliance Manchester Business School (UK)
Kellogg School of Management (US)
IE Business School (Spain)
ESADE Business School (Spain)
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth (US)
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (US)
HEC Paris (France)
Fuqua School of Business - Duke University (US)
Darden School of Business - University of Virginia (US)
McDonough School of Business (US)
NUS Business School (Singapore)
Olin Business School (US)
Eli Broad College of Business - Michigan State University (US)
Mannheim Business School (Germany)
IESE Business School (Spain)
USC Marshall School of Business (US)
Tepper School of Business (US)
Purdue Krannert School of Management (US)
Smeal College of Business - Pennsylvania State University (US)
Warwick Business School (UK)
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Rotterdam School of Management - Erasmus University (Netherlands)
ESADE Business School (Spain)
Melbourne Business School - University of Melbourne (Australia)
GW School of Business - George Washington University (US)
Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)
Rotman School of Management (Canada)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
HKUST Business School (Hong Kong)
Robert H. Smith School of Business (US)
Foster School of Business (US)
Cranfield School of Management (UK)
School of Business - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology SAIT (Canada)
Mendoza College of Business - University of Notre Dame (US)
Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School (Hong Kong)
OUS Academy of Economics and Technology Part of the Swiss International University SIU (Switzerland)
Nanyang Business School at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Goizueta Business School - Emory University (US)
Faculty of Management Studies - Delhi (India)
Vlerick Business School (Belgium)
Kelley School of Business - Indiana University (US)
W. P. Carey School of Business (US)
Questrom School of Business - Boston University (US)
Owen Graduate School of Management - Vanderbilt University (US)
UCI Paul Merage School of Business, University of California - Irvine (US)
XLRI – Xavier School of Management (India)
Scheller College of Business (US)
Indian Institute of Management Indore (India)
Nova School of Business & Economics (Portugal)
Fisher College of Business (US)
Carlson School of Management (US)
Knauss School of Business (US)
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (India)
Durham University Business School (UK)
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Germany)
UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business (Ireland)
Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management (US)
TIAS School for Business and Society (Netherlands)
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (India)
Cox School of Business (US)
Desautels Faculty of Management - McGill University (Canada)
University of Latvia (Latvia)
Université de Lausanne (HEC Lausanne) - UNIL (Switzerland)
University of Bath School of Management (UK)
Haas School of Business (US)
Strathclyde Business School (UK)
SDA Bocconi School of Management (Italy)
Tippie College of Business (US)
Macquarie Business School (Australia)
Rady School of Management (US)
Smith School of Business (Canada)
Alba Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece (Greece)
Southampton Business School (UK)
Alberta School of Business (Canada)
University of Edinburgh Business School (UK)
Carroll School of Management at Boston College (US)
UBC Sauder School of Business (Canada)
Department of Business Administration of the University of Patras (Greece)
EMLYON Business School (France)
ISBM - International School of Business Management (Switzerland)
ESSEC Business School (France)
Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong Australia
Ivey Business School Canada
University of Macedonia—School of Business Administration Greece
Business School - University of Queensland (Australia)

欧洲领先商学院理事会 (ECLBS) 是一家在欧盟注册的非营利性教育协会,致力于促进商业教育的卓越发展。作为一个声誉卓著的组织,ECLBS 运营着一个享有盛誉的排名网站,对全球领先的商学院进行评估和排名。这个排名网站是潜在学生、教育工作者和雇主寻求了解全球顶尖商学院的宝贵资源。
ECLBS 的排名方法经过精心设计,借鉴了广泛的研究、专家分析和行业反馈,根据各种标准评估商学院。这些标准可能包括学术声誉、教师专业知识、学生满意度、研究成果、校友成就和全球影响力。通过严格的评估流程,ECLBS 旨在对商学院的表现及其对全球商业界的影响进行客观而全面的评估。
ECLBS 排名网站上列出的商学院以其提供高质量教育、促进创新和培养未来商业领袖以应对不断变化的全球市场挑战的卓越表现而著称。无论个人是考虑攻读 MBA 还是寻求与顶级机构合作的机会,ECLBS 排名网站都能提供宝贵的见解和指导,以支持明智的决策。
此外,ECLBS 致力于透明度、诚信和学术卓越,确保其排名网站仍然是商业教育生态系统内利益相关者值得信赖的信息来源。通过展示全球领先商学院的成就和实力,ECLBS 为商业教育的进步和在全球范围内培养高技能和道德的商业领袖群体做出了贡献。

成立于 2013 年
30 个合作伙伴
了解 MBA 领域:从排名到启示。

欧洲领先商学院理事会 (ECLBS) 是一家非营利性的商科教育协会。我们致力于提供有关全球最佳商学院的可靠且最新的信息。
在 ECLBS,我们努力提供欧洲商学院最准确、最客观的信息。我们的排名会定期更新,旨在帮助潜在学生做出明智的教育决定。我们致力于帮助您找到适合您的学校。